Change of Control Clause Loan Agreement

Change of Control Clause Loan Agreement

. And cover your back with an appropriate termination clause Simply put, a change of control provision is a clause in a contract that grants the counterparty a specific right or claim (and sometimes a card without a prison exemption) in relation to the contract with TargetCo in the event that TargetCo`s ownership changes. This may include, for example: The reason for such a change of control provision is to protect the supplier or customer from unwanted changes in TargetCo`s ownership structure. Its new owner can install a new unknown management team or change the way TargetCo runs their business. Alternatively, the new owner may prove to be a competitor of the customer or supplier. A licensee should consider the impact of accepting a change of control provision, otherwise it could reduce the value of the corporation in the eyes of a potential acquirer. This is particularly important for small and medium-sized enterprises. Lenders are calling for these change of control provisions, which were originally developed in the 1980s after lenders were burned down after takeovers. In the world of syndicated loans and high-yield bonds, these provisions are standard and therefore their absence can be expected to impact the lender`s ability to market paper to institutional investors. Powers of attorney are provisions that allow borrowers to reassess their loan in the event of a change in the borrower`s board of directors. Proxy investments are slightly less common than similar provisions triggered by changes in equity, but still occur in the vast majority of leveraged loans, especially if the borrower is public or is likely to become public or likely to become public during the term of the loan. This is certainly not their motivating goal. Change of control provisions are designed to protect lenders, not borrowers.

In addition, it is unlikely that a provision relating to a change of control, . B, such as a proxy sale, merger or acquisition, would exclude a proxy sale, or acquisition, as acquirers typically refinance a target company`s existing debt. If a business is funded by venture capital, it may be important to include a change of control provision so that, if the lender does not see the desired growth, it has the option to sell by merger or sale. If a change of control offer is needed, it should be noted that more recently, bonds have increasingly included a mandatory call in favor of the issuer at 101%. if the owners of at least 90 percent. of the total face value of a number of debt securities, offer their bonds to the issuer as part of a change of control offer. This call for “clean-up” or “squeeze-out” allows the issuer to absorb the remaining bonds, thus avoiding getting stuck with a small tranche of restrictive covenants potentially other than the new debts. There are also some benefits for holders, as while this may sweep away some holders who intentionally held the bonds, some holders may miss an offer to change control, and the use of mandatory calling takes them out of a probably very illiquid bond. Rating-based portability is less prevalent than leverage-based portability in the European high-yield bond market and is an import of investment grade/emerging market transactions. If included, this characteristic requires that a change of control within a certain period of time be accompanied by a downgrade of bonds or a deterioration of bonds. Such provisions may also be more stringent to require that, even if an issuer`s obligations are downgraded, its obligation to offer a change of control is not triggered, unless (1) the credit rating agency(ies) specify in writing that the downgrade is specifically the result of the change in control and/or (2) a required number of credit rating agencies (probably two) degrade the bonds by one or more notches. In finance, a change of control occurs when there is a significant change in the ownership of a business.

The exact criteria that determine such a change may vary and are defined by law and contractual agreements. A change of control clause is often included in agreements with creditors, debt planA debt plan defines the entire debt of a company in a schedule based on its maturity and interest rate. In financial modeling, interest expense flows and executive employment contracts to protect investors` equity (also known as equity), an account on a company`s balance sheet consisting of share capital plus and managers consisting of significant changes in the way the company is managed. A change of control provision is an agreement in which a party has certain rights, for example. B payment, consent or termination. Robert Grien, affiliate of the Analysis Group and Head of the Finance and Restructuring Advisory Group at TM Capital Corp., is an expert in loan agreements, credit analysis, complex financial structuring, market prices, due diligence, restructuring and valuation. As the main lender of hundreds of credit facilities that total billions of dollars in committed capital, it has financed all kinds of leveraged transactions, including leveraged buyouts, corporate mergers and acquisitions, and recapitalizations. In Wilmington Savings Fund Society v. Foresight Energy LLC (“Foresight”) was determined by the Delaware Court of Chancery that the company was the beneficial owner of the shares of a third party (and therefore exceeded the relevant change of control threshold in the applicable party) under the relevant rules and the de facto position of the parties under their various agreements. . .
